Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bucket List

This is something I thought would be quite fun to do, So when I got back from marching band camp at 3PM, I received an Email that mentioned "bucket list" I already knew what that was, but I never actually had one, so about 10 minutes ago, I was really interested in making my own bucket list. I have yet to complete the whole thing, but I would say it's coming along quite good. I have ___ things so far.

- 1. I want to get 3 tattoos.
1 on my left bicep, that say: "Wapiyapi" the W would be Red, A would be Green, P would be Purple, I Would be Black, Y would be blue, A would be Orange, P would be Yellow, and I would be Black again. Wapiyapi is the name of a camp I go to, which is a cancer camp, It seriously has formed me, to make me this person I am today. Wapiyapi is the Lakotah language for Healing. Tattoo
2 I would get a Cross, with a butterfly right under it. The horizontal beam would say Zachary,
3 would be I'm not sure how significant this is to you, but it is to me but I would be "Momento Mori" It mean Be mindful of death, Which means, remember you're life will end, don't take you life for granite.

- 2. I want to travel all over the country before I die, I already have been to 31 States, so I have 29 to go!

- 3. I want to make a painting that will be worth more than $1000.00 and give the money to Childrens Hospital.

- 4. I want to learn to play more than 3 INstruments, I already know how to play the Baritone, the Clarinet, and The Guitar.
- 5. I might get my lip lip pierced, but I'm still kind of thinking about it.
Well basically thats all I have for now, I'll probably go back and add so new stuff.

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