Monday, October 4, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010!

NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month (Do Not ask me what this is because I just did)

So, last year I joined in on the fun about 3 weeks into NaNoWriMo 2009, I typed 11,000 words, so I think I would've almost won by then If I typed 11,000 words a week. This year I'm sort of cheating, Not really though, I'm just planning out the story, getting some characters all thought of.

I invite you to challenge yourself to try and do NaNoWriMo. If you are as creative as I am, and a fast typer like I am, Than there is no problem. If you don't want to please at least TRY and do it!

My story is called This IS Home. I'm very excited its about these teens who all live on 16th St & California in Downtown Denver. They live in an alley, they meet, and they become a little family, there all troubled teens. I can't wait to give you guys a little briefing.

Oh also if you want to offically participate go to:

Thanks! Sorry that is been a while been busy busy busy!!!