Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Food, Ink.

Another bone to pick with America. Burger King wants to make a delivery service, now it sound great on paper but think about we are so concerned about obesity and yet we're bringing the fast food to them? We are trying to make pizza a fruit because of the sauce? Why is it that you can get some salty little cheese burger for $1.00 and you can't get a head of broccoli for that price? I don't understand how we all expect for the country to slim down if we can't turn on the TV without seeing these temptations. Did you know Tyson and McDonalds buy the most beef in the world, the world. I have a movie for you to all watch... Food, Inc. it will make you more aware of what your are putting into your body. I barely ate anything for a week after I watched it.

Bad Schools

So I live in Colorado and in my state we have a program that gives Colorado Public Schools a grade based on the school. So my school got a B-

Here is the website: (www.coloradoschoolgrades.org)

So, My school deserves a D they got a B- did they even step foot in the school? Did they set foot in a classroom and sit in a desk? There is a crack 14 feet long in the middle of my school, the desk are collapsing, lockers are falling off the wall (the whole locker), I went in for help during my one and only off hour to get help she turned me away because she was eating lunch while she has 3 off hours. (and it was only 5th period she had 1 more period to eat). I think they need to go about this differently like a surprise visit not a "show case" where one night we can clean the school extra nice, and show off the good parts of the school. We have a nickname from all of our drug problems "Stoner Lake" & "Standley Baked" that is not a B- school to me. We can't afford text books or a new stove for FACS (Cooking) yet my school bought a new score board for our JV football team this was when the season was over. Someone needs to drop in on my school with no forewarning. So they don't try to expell 35 kids from my school because they were caught once and not sent away for help but for their futures to be ruined. My sister is an example. This happeneds every year a bunch of kids get expelled and their lives are ruined. My sister was never found with anything on her the code of conduct says if they don't find anything and can't prove you did it doesn't go in your record it's still there. I'm so glad to be getting out this May because once I'm out I'm not going back.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Driving Test Anxieties

For those of you who aren't comfortable with driving test or perhaps just people uncomfortable with driving in general. I want to offer some advice and some reasoning perhaps behind these feelings.

Let me tell you... I was very nervous with driving I avoided driving at all cost, at one point I even tried to get used to the idea of a bus. I must tell you that You'll do great you're nervous because you're on a road with a bunch of idiots with cell phones in their hands. Because your nervous you'll be more cautious, and you'll be less likely to cause an accident.

I over came my fear of driving and worked hard. I learned that Gum helped me I was less nervous specifically tropical flavored gums helped me.

Although it took me 4 years to get my license I am a driver and a safe one because I worked at it for so long.

So for those taking the class soon good luck. Try not to fall asleep during those 90's videos. For those getting in the car soon you'll great. Practice going the speed limit. For those taking the driving test soon. Take it easy your not the the first person to drive a car. For those who were in my spot you're going to get there. Could you imagine being on that bus for the rest of your life.

On buses really fast. If you had a padded cell full of crazy people you wouldn't wheel it through town.

Good Luck! (I almost typed Lick!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We are different.

I saw some articles these past weeks about how people are so offended because they have some differences and it bothers them so much. Why is it that 2.76 Million people watch The Ellen Degeneres Show (According to Wikipedia) I found out that nearly 1/10th of this country tunes in daily and usually they watch the entire time. I don't understand why it is when Ellen at the end of the show always says "Be kind of one another" that so many people are inspired by her yet some of these people apparently thinks she's kidding or something because there have been little kids expressing how offended they were from a person who is different was treated just like them.

This transgendered boy who is 6 wanted to be in Girl Scouts she got in and this girl got so up set that she actually posted it on YouTube. Although the transgendered boy was treated exactly like her and was put in the scouts she was so offended like se was kicked out or something.

I am so sick of people being so offended. They have to face fact; there people in this world who are different and even wish they weren't different but we all need to realize that we can't change that, and they have wants and needs just like we all do. We have to learn to live with these different people, we can't keep doing things like this. We need to teach our young ones that you cant make a judgment on transgender gays people of other cultures and backgrounds because you have no idea what they are like, you have no idea how hard it is for them to have enough courage to get up out of bed in the morning and live, we have no idea what they go through and yet they live, breathe and love like you and me. They want the same things they want to love and live amongst us 'normal' people (if that is really true). No one in this country is normal we are all different we just have to accept it.

I will be on this topic more.

Thanks for Reading!
Kevin Mesch.